Business NSW Member Portal

Are you a Business NSW Member with a current or upcoming competitive tender, proposal, submission or application for government or the private sector?

Tender Plus and our team of Tender Specialists in strategy, tender management, writing, and business communications is here to help!

Member Services

  • Ask a Tender Expert

    Do you have a question on a current tender?

    Need general advice on how to interpret or respond to a request for tender?

    Or do you just need to know where to start?

    Tender Plus offers Business NSW Members 30 and 60 minute consultations on key aspects of tendering.

    Book a consultation with us below!

  • Attend a Masterclass

    Does your business need to build skills and capability to tender successfully?

    Learn more about key aspects of tendering direct from the experts.

    Book below to attend our next Business NSW webinar.

  • Request Tender Support

    Tender Plus offers Business NSW Members tender support services at a reduced member rate.

    Contact us below to discuss your needs.

BNSW Member Portal

Ask a Tender Expert
from $50.00
Add consultation to cart
Book Masterclass - AI & Tendering
Add Masterclass to cart
Book Masterclass - Tender Writing 101
Add Masterclass to cart
Book Masterclass - Best practice tender process
Add Masterclass to cart

Request Tender Support

Are you a Business NSW Member who needs assistance with a tender? We are here to help.

Just fill out the form below and we will get back to you promptly.