Manifesting resilience on tenders
Deborah Mazoudier Deborah Mazoudier

Manifesting resilience on tenders

Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations. Building up resilience over time on tenders is vital for wellbeing and success.

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Positivity in the Face of Challenges: A Winning Tender Strategy
Deborah Mazoudier Deborah Mazoudier

Positivity in the Face of Challenges: A Winning Tender Strategy

Keeping a positive outlook when facing challenges in tenders isn’t just about boosting morale. It’s a strategic approach that enhances problem-solving, builds resilience, improves communication, increases engagement, and fosters a supportive culture.

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Just a tender writer?
Deborah Mazoudier Deborah Mazoudier

Just a tender writer?

I am writing this so that all Tender Writers out there in the bid wide bidding world know the value that they bring to each and every bid.

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AI & QA - Pace, meet quality
Deborah Mazoudier Deborah Mazoudier

AI & QA - Pace, meet quality

AI has its place in tendering. But it is not an unqualified place. AI & quality assurance must go hand in hand. Pace is great. Efficiency is great. But neither should come at the cost of quality.

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The measure of a tender is how you begin
Deborah Mazoudier Deborah Mazoudier

The measure of a tender is how you begin

Establish the right foundations at the beginning and reap the rewards at the end – a winning tender. Frosanna shares 9 steps to set your bid submission on a trajectory for success.

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Give evaluators what they need to award the win
Deborah Mazoudier Deborah Mazoudier

Give evaluators what they need to award the win

It seems straight forward - but in the frenzy of the bid room, teams are often seduced by their own rhetoric of superiority, and neglect to address basic compliance requirements. Anna explains how to ensure evaluators can easily assess your responses.

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Cracking the code on case studies
Deborah Mazoudier Deborah Mazoudier

Cracking the code on case studies

Case studies are an excellent way to prove your capability. Demie takes us through an easy 2-step approach to capturing the perfect case study.

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Just keep swimming
Deborah Mazoudier Deborah Mazoudier

Just keep swimming

Your team forms the core of your project, so CV management is essential to winning tenders over and over again. Jesse shares his insights on the perpetual practice of CV management.

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Making collaboration work
Deborah Mazoudier Deborah Mazoudier

Making collaboration work

With a blend of communication styles, ways of working and skill levels, how do you get your team to collaborate effectively to win tenders? Chelsea insists that working on a cloud-based workspace is the way to go.

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