A time to reflect …

1 min read

By Deborah Mazoudier, Founder & Principal Consultant

Funny how a rebrand makes you reflect …

I was a new mum when I set up Tender Plus (or the sole trading equivalent of it). My first daughter was three months old and I found myself completely in love with her but unfulfilled.

I needed to work. And I needed to work at an organisation that valued me. Valued my intellect. My competitive spirit. My work ethic. Valued my kindness. My quirkiness. The lot. I also wanted a workplace that allowed me the flexibility to still be there as a mum.

I decided the only way I was going to get that workplace in 2007 was to create it myself. So I did.

And today, Tender Plus is almost 14 years old … and so is my first daughter (god help me!).

But what of the workplace I wanted to create for myself? Did it survive through the growth from a one person operation to a team of 14 in multiple cities?

Yes it did. The Tender Plus team reflect everything I wanted to create. They are smart, passionate, committed, and some of the kindest, funniest and most whimsical people I have ever met.

Tender Plus is a business in which you can be you. No matter who you are, how you identify, or what type of family you have by your side. And I am so proud of it.

As we launch this new website and our new brand, I want to take the time also to thank all of our clients over the last 14 years, some of which have been with us a long time. Without you, Tender Plus would not have thrived. And without you, this marvellous Tender Plus team would not exist.

So thanks … and here’s to whatever comes next!


10 out of 10 would recommend to a friend


When tenders end in divorce…