Tender Plus

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Courage in the face of adversity

What is it to have courage in the face of adversity within a tendering context? It means displaying bravery, determination, and resilience when encountering challenges, risks, or difficult situations. In the context of tendering, adversity can take various forms, such as intense competition, strict deadlines, complex requirements, financial constraints, or even facing potential rejection.

Having courage means being able to confront these challenges head-on and navigate through them effectively.

So, what do you need to foster in yourself and your team to navigate such adversity?

  1. Confidence and conviction

    Believe in the merits of the bid and your organisation's capacity to deliver. Confidence instils trust and enhances the chances of success.

  2. A willingness to take calculated risks:

    Be willing to take risk, carefully assessing the potential rewards and considering the likelihood of success.

  3. Persistence and Resilience

    Persevere through challenges, learn from failures, and make necessary adjustments to improve future bids.

  4. Adaptability and Innovation

    Be adaptable and open to change. Don’t be afraid to challenge conventional approaches and propose innovative solutions, which can set you apart from your competitors.

  5. Ethical Behaviour and Transparency

    Maintain transparency in your interactions, adhere to the requirements, and ensure your tenders are based on accurate information and realistic offers.

  6. Learning and Continuous Improvement

    Seek feedback, evaluate performance, and identify areas for improvement.

By embracing these qualities, you and your team will better navigate the challenges of tendering, differentiate your organisation and be able to truly seize opportunities for growth and success.