It’s mind over matter when it comes to thriving under pressure!

Meet … Demie Tan, Tender Specialist, Perth

What's the most rewarding part of consulting as a specialist on tenders?

The most rewarding part of my role is the opportunity to add value to our client organisations on a daily basis. Being constantly exposed to different subject matter is an added bonus and keeps me on my toes. 

How do you adapt to the different subject matter that you deal with on a day-to-day basis?

Do your research if time permits because it makes all the difference. You also need to show up everyday with a growth mindset. Always be willing to learn.

What's the best tip a mentor or colleague in the field has given you about tendering and why?

Do the best you can and that’s all you need to do.

Coffee or tea? (Discuss)

I’m going to choose both because why not? Honestly speaking, both options are great so let’s keep an open mind. Trust the old proverb, ‘Variety is the spice of life!’

What's the most important quality that you think you bring to the bids that you work on? Why?

My ability to master my emotions and keep them at bay while focusing on the task at hand. You’ll find this exceptionally useful come crunch time. I may break down behind closed doors… but only after we’ve achieved our goals.

What's it like being part of the Tender Plus team?

I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with so many amazing people. Every interaction leaves me inspired to better myself.

If you could immediately change one thing about tendering that would make the discipline better for everyone, what would it be?

I’d definitely remove the option for single PDF submissions.

What are the top three tips you would give to a client about writing a tender?

1. Understand and familiarise yourself with the requirements.

2. The ‘how’ is equally as important as the ‘what’. Don’t just talk about what the organisation is going to do, it would be fantastic if we can explain how we’re going to do it.

3. First impressions count so let’s make sure formatting and graphics are spot on.

What's the funniest word, phrase, or acronym you have seen in a tender?

It would have to be “end results”. They carry the same meaning to me!

"We came a close second." Thoughts?

What can we do in the future to make sure we come out on top? It is what it is, but we can learn from it. 

What's the word you never want to see used in a tender again?

It would have to be the word ‘strive’. We have the expertise so let’s project more confidence in what we plan to offer.

What is your favourite sector to tender in? Why?

Recruitment as I can leverage my industry experience and help our clients win.

Cat person, dog person or other? If other what?

I am very much a dog person. I have a very entitled Cavallier that doesn’t like being told what to do. Fortunately for her, she has my heart.

How do you describe what you do for a career?

I help businesses win contracts by ensuring information is presented in a captivating and engaging manner. We tender writers can jazz up even the most technical of documents, all the while ensuring context is not lost.

Why do you think that you thrive under pressure? What makes you so resilient?

My dad used to make me sing ‘We Are The Champions’ by Queen when I was a little girl. I guess now I subconsciously think I can achieve everything I put my mind to. It’s mind over matter when it comes to thriving under pressure!

"It's all about the price." Thoughts?

Every tender is different and will have varying emphasis on price versus qualitative criteria. It is for this reason that I believe pricing strategies should be fluid and dependent on the bid. It’s definitely not one size fits all.


‘Look after yourself in this madness’


My parents are my biggest supporters, but still don’t fully understand what I do!