I’ll have a large flat white, please!

By Louise Ferguson, Senior Tender Specialist

Last week, I ventured back into a corporate office, assisting a client to write and close out their tender. This was the first time in three months I was required to be work-ready and presentable in real life, not just via a webcam.

I have to say I was a little nervous, but mostly excited. There was a brief moment of dread as I dusted off my work pants and a top, however to quote my illustrious leader “my work pants still fit even though I have eaten enough baked goods to last a lifetime.”

Getting back into the ‘real world’ was invigorating - setting the alarm, brushing the hair, putting on the face and wearing clothes not made of stretchy material or with an elasticated waist, felt good. 

My foray back into the world and connecting with other humans again resulted in the realisation that whether in the office or at home, whether you are wearing activewear or a suit, there seems to be one constant… the need for coffee.

Why is coffee the universal thing we accept as necessary to get through the day?

Whether your usual order is a macchiato, strong skinny cap, soy latte with an extra shot, mocha made with almond milk or just a plain old flat white, don’t feel bad.  Popping out to grab a coffee is perfectly acceptable - take as long as you need!

Science tells us caffeine stimulates the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which produces the euphoria and pleasant feelings that people often associate with drinking coffee. Caffeine acts as a stimulant, therefore people generally feel more energetic with increased alertness and improvement in mood.

Does our need to replicate these feelings mean we all suffer from varying levels of addiction? Some of us need it once a day, while others cannot keep going without multiple hits. Have you noticed that there is always someone who can recommend where to get the good stuff? 

Just as well too!

Depending on the complexities of the tender, the team I am working with, the length of the commute or the extracurricular activities of my children, most of my days can be classified as either a regular or large coffee day. 

Today I will have a large flat white please!


Can’t change it? Change your attitude


Break it up!